Any “fair” or “reasonable” price is an illusion

Regularly – in Germany recently in the discussion about the governmental gasoline discount – an common misconception can be noticed in the discussion that should not actually happen, especially not with an economy-friendly party like the FDP: The assumption that if production costs – or even taxes on them – are lowered, the price must …

The cost of filling the gap – hydrogen to compensate for volatile RE generation

In addition to the typical day-night cycle of photovoltaics, wind power plants are also subject to strong fluctuations – a plant designed for 100 MW can produce an average of 40-50 MW of power per year, but this average power is distributed between power peaks and valleys.On the other hand, there is a hunger for …

Energy revolution/Power-to-X

Green power is a great concept, but it has to worked out how it can be stored and transported to really drive an energy revolution. Because not always energy is exactly consumed when wind and sun are delivering best. Currently the way for storable gas like green hydrogen or synthetic fuels along with the sector coupling …

Impact Investing

Investing mony purely profit oriented is the past. Investors today expect more than just a financial return – social and ecologic impact of investments is growingly assessed. This refers to micro credits for developing countries as well as investments disrupting the current economic and social paradigms towards more sustainability like projects for reneqable energies or urban farming. …

Startup & Business Coaching

Developing a new product requires profound thinking about needs, use cases and market opportunities. Based upon these findings a financial strategy can be outlined and a plan for development and market entry can be shaped. We challenge business models and identify potentials for all three areas to support entrepreneurs and growing businesses. Reference: Startup developing wireless sensors …

(IT) Security

Our world is more fragile and complex than ever. Ubiquituous IT turns infrastructure from bank to doorbell into a security risk. How much of this risk is balanced by a growth in comfort? How much is bearable, and how can we be prepared for unlikely happenings? Reference: Design agency, Data strategy based upon a private …

Planting trees? Not a sustainable solution….

Meanwhile it’s a common offer to your flight ticket: the CO2 compensation fee, which promises that some trees will be planted somewhere by an more or less trustable project. But is this really sustainable? The trees grow, binding Co2, but they will die some day and decay, releasing more or less exactly the same amount …

Artificial intelligence & machine learning

An interdisciplinary field in which new insights constantly lead to revolutionary and highly profitable results in the field of tension between psychology and programming, robotics and ethics. The fields of application of these technologies are almost unlimited and range from agriculture and speech recognition to medical diagnostics. Reference: self-learning user interface, product development coach

The price tag for saving the world

The technology is there. Companies like or develop filters for sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere. With their project in Island Climeworks claims to reduce the costs of currently around 500 US$/t CO2 towards a goal of 100 US$/t. With an estimated total of around 43,1 Gt CO2 emissions per year (source:, even a price …