Any “fair” or “reasonable” price is an illusion
Regularly - in Germany recently in the discussion about the governmental gasoline discount - an common misconception can be noticed ...
The cost of filling the gap – hydrogen to compensate for volatile RE generation
In addition to the typical day-night cycle of photovoltaics, wind power plants are also subject to strong fluctuations - a ...
Energy revolution/Power-to-X
Green power is a great concept, but it has to worked out how it can be stored and transported to ...
Impact Investing
Investing mony purely profit oriented is the past. Investors today expect more than just a financial return - social and ...
Startup & Business Coaching
Developing a new product requires profound thinking about needs, use cases and market opportunities. Based upon these findings a financial ...
(IT) Security
Our world is more fragile and complex than ever. Ubiquituous IT turns infrastructure from bank to doorbell into a security ...
Planting trees? Not a sustainable solution….
Meanwhile it's a common offer to your flight ticket: the CO2 compensation fee, which promises that some trees will be ...
Artificial intelligence & machine learning
An interdisciplinary field in which new insights constantly lead to revolutionary and highly profitable results in the field of tension ...
“Green” hydrogen
"Everyone predicts a similar drop in prices for green hydrogen as for wind and solar. But this requires economies of ...
The price tag for saving the world
The technology is there. Companies like or develop filters for sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere. With their ...